Sanctuary cities LA,Chicago have adopted a resistance and rebel attitude toward trump even though they KNOW Trump is going to cut off FUNDS to them ..They dont CARE how much their people get HURT as long as they can say TRUMP did it !
They think he will get blamed ..they dont CARE AT ALL who gets HURT who gets FUNDS cut off as LONG as they can say TRump did it ! DEMOCRAPS .If LA & CHiCaGO want to go that route ..Trump can say ,just like Bush, did during Katrina …Fuck em ..they didnt vote for me anyway ! Domocraps dont care about their own people ..all they are interested in who gets the blame !….In the mean time LA & Chicago are going to suffer a long time …..4 years because their leadership the Democraps dont give a shit about them as long as they can put political blame on Trump …Nice going LA & Chicago your going to get what you deserve ,not from Trump ,but from your own….