He questions why population growth accelerated so much since WWII. Financialization/infinite growth led the population to behaviors that are unsustainable from a resource standpoint. Micro talking points like Carville’s “it’s the economy, stupid” and irrational exuberance the key phrases that launched a generation of destructive greed and fraud, in essence removing a natural human governor.
That dovetails with his wondering what the end game is from the Deep State and my Humanity’s Paradox observation. Keep pumping out the slaves for the profit rinse and repeat that is used to fund a hidden technology like free energy or reverse engineer say an alien spacecraft at area 51.
Without the Humanity Paradox concept of us continually needing to destroy each other (contrary to goldballoon’s Zeitgeist), the profits from a multitude of vectors, especially the MIC, don’t rinse and repeat at the pace the capital is being vacuumed up by TPTB special project. The $2.3 trillion dollars Rumsfeld said was missing from the Pentagon on 9/10 as an example.
Finally, maybe slightly connected, silver being more valuable than gold due to this unseen technology is what I have been hoping for. Yada Yada Uncle Buck financially, phyzz silver from a scientific necessity that rivals water in need has captivated me for a long long time. Maglev tech was my best guess.
Cheers, mm.
P.S. ipso, not having a bowl full.