Socialist activist Kshama Sawant is a member of the Seattle City Council, and she is a disgrace to the City of Seattle.
This appallingly misguided woman would nationalize Boeing, Microsoft, and Amazon. It is a very sad day in the USA when a notoriously un-American woman like this can be elected to office.
Celebrate Cultural Dysfunction
Sawant hails from India, a country that is a cultural basket case. Apparently she wants the USA to become the same sort of “human hell” as India. Revoke her citizenship and send her back to India.
The Epic Fail Known As Socialism
Socialism is born of ignorance and stupidity, it is antithetical to freedom and individual rights. Socialism usually results in tyranny and equal misery for all but the ruling elite. Socialism (like Fascism, Marxism, and Communism) is a scourge of humanity. Socialists whine about the concentrated power of corporations and the rich. But Socialists are willfully ignorant (and hopelessly hypocritical) regarding the dangers of concentrated government power.