Trump beat Hillary, the candidate, but her loyal lapdog Media is still alive and well and spewing lies, half lies, and garbage. Perhaps even worse than during the election. It seems they have taken on the role of avenger for her loss and are taking it upon themselves to wreak vengeance to Trump. In other words, I believe even less of what the Media says than before.
The bottom line for me is I still trust in Trump. He will make some mistakes no doubt in his appointments, but I don’t think he is afraid to change things if he sees the need. I also think, that Trump is trying to offer an olive branch of sorts to some of the traitorous republicans in order to more solidify the party of ‘disconnect’. A good gesture but caution is the byword as he puts his team together. We will see ?
My understanding of Brexit is it could be quite some time before real change happens. Trump has a couple months to set up his organization and then the first 100 days begins. I think change will be fast and furious when he gets pen in hand. Mostly, I don’t think Trump has changed his mind on the banksters of Wall St and they have not suddenly become his friends. My vote is still with Trump.