OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Maybe It’s Demand For Dollar CONTRACTS By Gov’t Lackey Goldman Sachs

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:47 on November 17, 2016  

Supply and demand for paper CONTRACTS are no different than opinions of retail traders, hardly ever win suckers. And or supply and demand for paper CONTRACTS by Gov’t lackey Goldman. You all should know this re AU and AG paper CONTRACTS.

and here they come

Posted by Buygold @ 12:45 on November 17, 2016  

really tough to fight dollar strength and rising rates

Stocks Soar As Yellen Ends Hawkish Testimony, USD Hits 13 Year High

Posted by Richard640 @ 12:42 on November 17, 2016  

Impressive that gold futs & HUI still green given this headline. That said, gold still has–like Gov. Bush–no bounce to the oz.–no energy–and mo sponsorship

Anybody still holding their JNUG they bought on clearance?

Obama talking in Germany-he really needs to be given a special academy award for acting–he is so good at pretending to have “gravitas”–so sober! so deliberate with his speech–he really has the role down right…of course the idea that the former “community organizer [aka poverty pimp]–could ever have any gravitas is laughable–he is just a slick version of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson–whose actually bright and well-spoken son is in the slammer…

Hi Portugeezer

Posted by Buygold @ 12:35 on November 17, 2016  

Yes! I stand corrected. US DOLLARS would be exiting, bonds coming home! That makes sense and demand for dollars short term are causing strength.

  1. Going to be an interesting next year.

Portugeezer @ 12:03 – Go to Comex?

Posted by Maya @ 12:28 on November 17, 2016  

Not a chance of ‘physical’ settlement there that would ‘break the bank’.   They may, or may not, have what is claimed.  But recent settlement history indicates that they will ‘settle’ a claim by giving back even more of your unwanted dollars.

The Future Is Always A Surprise, Higher Rates?? Maybe Not.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:55 on November 17, 2016  

Ten year bond chart still looks like an uptrend (falling rates) to me, so far. All the dips you see are short term JUMPS in rates as rates fell since 1982. The recent jump in rates may just be a blip on the radar screen.

The abnormally higher dollar may be a combination of TPTB punishing Trump and the USA, and or they are EXPORTING as many STRONG consumer dollars as possible to other nations before they get cut off.



Posted by Buygold @ 11:47 on November 17, 2016  

Thanks for that reminder of who said that about the dollar. Since treasuries are being dumped that would mean dollars are coming back home. Not sure why that would cause the dollar to rise but it is really unbelievable strength. We are at 2003 levels. Back then gold was $400.

What’s it all mean?

@ Farmboy RE: “I mean, how much lower can JUNG go?  “

Posted by drb2 @ 11:41 on November 17, 2016  

there is time decay with the leveraged ETFs …plus they like to do reverse splits about every six months.   so unfortunately, they can go a LOT lower.

I’m sad to say this is from personal experience.  I try to remind myself NUGT & JNUG are like playing with nitroglycerin they can blow up either way.

That said, I think their time is near.


I have been WAY wrong before

FYI Long Term Views All Commodity Charts

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:38 on November 17, 2016  

Scroll up or down.


Jim Willie said months ago that the Scheisse Dollar

Posted by newtogold @ 11:14 on November 17, 2016  

would rise big time as US dollars flowed back into the US . Then, there would be a massive drop. I think he got it right. It is the time frame that concerns mean as it effects what is left of my PF portfolio. FYI, he is usually not on target. DYODD as he has made some wild “assertions”  over time.


Posted by Buygold @ 10:48 on November 17, 2016  

Really hard to say where the bottom is. Every time I think it’s going to rally it gets knocked down.

I might try a little UVXY instead.

US DOLLAR strength is relentless. Bond sell-off too.

Buygold @ 7:52 Thanks For The Update

Posted by Farmboy @ 10:38 on November 17, 2016  

The double down idea seems reasonable to me. I mean, how much lower can JUNG go?  Uhhhh….don’t quote me on that. 🙂

Maya @ 3:02 Got The Perfect Train To Go With That Perfect Cup of Coffee This Morning

Posted by Farmboy @ 10:34 on November 17, 2016  


This old ride out of Hooterville  should be good enough to get us climbing some hills shortly.


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:31 on November 17, 2016  

It used to be in military protocol to go through chains of command. But in those days at least some things got listened to. What I do know is that we have to skip the pilots and suppliers to Chen trails although that info can get us closer to the one ordering it. Id guess to take a look at one or two of these so called Gov appointed environmentalists. I don’t think it would get past them even if coming from another source they could most likely would be involved. Who’s that person behind the curtain. Many of these appointees were lobbyist before they were appointed and their lobbying was contrary to the office they were appointed and maybe not qualified. Like Mark Rey former timber lobbiest given a job in forest management.

Then when we find out we have someone to go after as well as maybe let the millennials in on it so they have something real to march in the streets complain about . Maybe

Looks like Mr. Yellen

Posted by Buygold @ 10:16 on November 17, 2016  

Has some pm friendly words for Congress?

eeos @ 6:27 Chemtrails….LOL!!!

Posted by silverngold @ 9:36 on November 17, 2016  

Sounds like “they” are trying to treat Denverites like a bunch of mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed a lot of shit! Of course the geoengineering agenda has been going on around the world since well before the turn of the century in one form or another, Remember back in the 80’s and 90’s when Acid Rain was happening in so many communities?? That was the start of the geoengineering experiment IMO, spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere before they realized they could get much more for their buck by spraying aluminum, barium, and strontium instead. Since those days geoengineering has increased many fold around the world but they still try to call anyone who recognizes it  a conspiracy nut and deny its existance.

Anyone wanting more info on the subject can go to the site geoengineeringwatch.org and study many years collection of data from the worlds leading experts. Another good reference is to google operation cloverleaf which is very enlightening.

They have been spraying here in British Columbia since 2005 when I first observed the phenomena in this area and  I don’t think they have stopped for more than 5 days since that time with up to 50 passes back and forth overhead each day and occasionally more.

Look up and wake up people!!


Gonna be a little trouble when the money runs out … Taxpayer Bendover … or: “Please please help us Uncle Sam”

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:30 on November 17, 2016  

Illinois Pension Funding Ratio Sinks To 37.6% As Unfunded Liabilities Surge To $130 Billion


Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:08 on November 17, 2016  

Centerra Gold and Premier Gold Announce Feasibility Study Results on the Hardrock Project


Freeport-McMoRan Completes Sale of Interest in TF Holdings Limited for $2.65 Billion in Cash


Klondex Files Independent Technical Report for the Hollister Gold Project


Sierra Metals announces new discovery at its Yauricocha Mine in Peru


Barkerville Gold Mines Enters into Relationship Agreement with Lhtako Dene First Nation


Mr. Yellen

Posted by Buygold @ 8:08 on November 17, 2016  

“Rate hike appropriate soon”

Duh. Gotta catch up with the bond market…

Morning Farmboy

Posted by Buygold @ 7:52 on November 17, 2016  

I’m still holding the JNUG I bought last week, down 30%. I may roll the dice and double down here if we stabilize to try to get out even, I don’t know. Have to see what the USD does.

The SM strength is stunning.

Denver has been under intense chem trail spray in the last 5 days

Posted by eeos @ 6:27 on November 17, 2016  

Now the news won’t go there and address this fact, but I’ll admit I saw all kinds of wonderful clouds form from contrails in the last few days. May we live in spooky times. They were so intense a group of parents at a liberal rich school we send our daughter to stood around and didn’t know what to think so I interjected about what I thought these were and where they came from. I suggested that the contrails were forming unusual clouds and I asked them about chemtrails and they all were dumbfounded. Seriously



Posted by Maya @ 3:02 on November 17, 2016  



Silver Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:53 on November 17, 2016  


The silver Canadian, 23 cars long, rolls under heavy skies.


silverngold @ 23:00

Posted by Maya @ 0:13 on November 17, 2016  

Corbett is spot-on in his analysis.  I am also hearing a ‘linguistic hit’ on Clif High’s web bot data.  For some time the longer term data has said the breakdown of America will result in smaller, local groups of “Self Organizing Collectives”.   Sounds like the exact words that Corbett uses!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.