…….And in addition to that they are nothing but unregulated derivatives designed to manipulate markets so they, TPTB, are ultimately the only winners. Anyone who delves in them will eventually get their hand spanked or worse, IMO. Besides that, every time anyone delves into them they are just giving manipulative strength to the enemy who is controlling the markets. Problem is, as I see it, ETF’s are the easy way out so it’s easier to give your money to your enemy than it is to do the proper research and invest in an actual portfolio of stocks that will influence the sector higher. ETF’s are the equivalent of going to the casino and expecting to win with all the odds in the casino’s favor.
This same mantra has been repeated over and over by myself and many others in many ways but it seems more and more investors are turning a blind eye or deaf ear and continuing to buy the ETF’s. Well, they get what they asked for. LOL!!! All the best from silverngold.