Don’t have no Level II here. I am having some fun with these ETF, except for the most recent short the dow and I’m not beating myself up over that one. I don’t think even the experts knew how the market would react to Trump’s win. I normally stay in an ETF no more than a day or two, sometimes as short as a few hours. My strategy is simple. If the trade does not go my way, I pull the plug quick. The overnight market action is often a tip off to the trade. Not a perfect method, but works about 70% if the time. Its playing with fire, but the risk/reward thing is tempting with the 3X leverage. Win big, or be quick to bail is my motto.
I only have about 4 months of trading experience with these creatures, so time will tell if it is worth the trouble. One disadvantage is having to sit at the computer and monitor the trade. It cuts into my fishing and nap time.
Hoping you have a great weekend. One with some fun and some rest for you.