Thanks for all the responses.
Ipso, Silverngold – No doubt JNUG is a nasty tool, I had 3 winners, and one fat loser with it. The bottom line here with pm’s IMHO is the USD, if it continues to strengthen, we’ve got nowhere to go but down. The whole thing is a bit confusing to be honest, the dollar and SM strength, rising inflation and rates, cross currents that are definitely beyond my scope of comprehension.
On the bright side, last time the dollar was this strong was 2003 and gold was $400, but that is of little consolation especially when it comes to the shares.
Maddog – Dimon is a non-starter, the bansters need to be obliterated and I’m hopeful that Steve Bannon has a plan. I’m with you on Trump’s picks, nothing too disappointing so far.