First. it is always a pleasure to see you taking up your seat on the bench. I figure if any man has insight into these PM markets, understands them from the ground up so to speak, it is you. Always present with an uncommon sense of common sense.
As to the lake falling into a hole due to warming of permafrost, your observation is noted, of course. But I must rebut that with an article on Drudge today that the Antarctica ice pack has not changed in the last hundred years according to the scientific measures. So if you are blaming it on Al Gores Global Warming, I would say we wait a couple more hundred years to see if they have it correct. 🙂
Now about our PM portfolios, well I guess it depends on the time frame. If going back to the year 2000, then we are in pretty good shape. You know, I was buying some PM’s last week, ( Mux, Gpl, Gsv, and Nsu ) and they STILL were 200% above their 52 week lows, in spite of the recent smash downs. Ticks me off to no avail, let me tell ya. Mostly, I figure it is due to something I observed about 6 months ago. Gold and Silver were up 20+% on the year, and I said to self, ” No way TPTB are going to let that show up at years end. Make them look too bad. Sure enough, the beat down of our PM started shortly after.
Seems to me, TPTB don’t know how to handle the success of the PM markets, no more than they know how to handle the election of Trump. Or the Failure of their Globalist agenda, or the fact that Global Warming is nothing more than a hoax, and reason, to increase taxes.
Not to discredit the sinking of a lake, but it seems more localized than a global issue as some wish to paint.
And even so, I would think the unfreezing of the perma frost would be a God send, since most of the farmland has been over cultivated to the extreme and perhaps it is time for some new, unspoiled, land to be open to more productive use. Most of the US farms have been planting crops for the past 40-50 years without rest, and without respite from chemicals. Natures own minerals long ago leached from the soil. I think, perhaps it is time to invest in the new lands freed up from the frostline. Wonder what the hectare brings up near that lake?
Hope you fare well these days, still on my bucket list is too seat with you one day, and listen to your wisdom, Farmboy