The idea of giving less populated states an equal say is good, but IMO the “RIG” if there is one, is that the Electorate does not have to vote the same as the popular vote in their districts….or if they are supposed to vote that way and they choose not to, the penalty is so ridiculously small they can easily be bribed if they lack character and integrity. I’d say the penalty for voting against the popular vote should be the death penalty or very close to it; not a pittance like $1000 !!
And the system is surely broken or corrupted if illegals and refugees can vote and nobody even has to prove their identity or can be required to show proof of citizenship. These things could easily be fixed if TPTB wanted them fixed, but if they were fixed TPTB would not be able to cheat by installing their bought off cronies who have helped to ruin America.
That IMO is an area that Trump needs to “fix”. Only US CITIZENS should have the right to vote and they should be required to show proof of citizenship. That would also give landed immigrants incentive to become actual US citizens if they want to vote in important American elections, and illegals and refugees would not even bother to show up to try to vote once they understood they could not. Just saying!!