But Shanghai’s own site only shows 2.50
Any thoughts? That big premium looks like a gold bug “urban myth”…
But Shanghai’s own site only shows 2.50
Any thoughts? That big premium looks like a gold bug “urban myth”…
The attempt to steal the election appears to be two-pronged.
I can tell you, if they attempt to overturn this election and award it to Hillary, this country will be broken in half and could easily turn into civil war. The Red State folks have had just about enough of the leftist, Marxist, globalists and their nutballs in gov’t. MSM, Hollywood, Academia and the rest. I really think things would get ugly fast.
There is no way Hillary stealing the election could be resolved in the courts. JMHO
Demos horrified by Trumps cabinet picks? Good lol They did nothing but make it hard on hard working citizens for years, called us every name in the book, tormented christians and profited on global corporate bribes at our expense.
The idea of giving less populated states an equal say is good, but IMO the “RIG” if there is one, is that the Electorate does not have to vote the same as the popular vote in their districts….or if they are supposed to vote that way and they choose not to, the penalty is so ridiculously small they can easily be bribed if they lack character and integrity. I’d say the penalty for voting against the popular vote should be the death penalty or very close to it; not a pittance like $1000 !!
And the system is surely broken or corrupted if illegals and refugees can vote and nobody even has to prove their identity or can be required to show proof of citizenship. These things could easily be fixed if TPTB wanted them fixed, but if they were fixed TPTB would not be able to cheat by installing their bought off cronies who have helped to ruin America.
That IMO is an area that Trump needs to “fix”. Only US CITIZENS should have the right to vote and they should be required to show proof of citizenship. That would also give landed immigrants incentive to become actual US citizens if they want to vote in important American elections, and illegals and refugees would not even bother to show up to try to vote once they understood they could not. Just saying!!
It’s actually good we don’t have the popular this time. Romney won big on Popular vote but lost to electoral but now the Demos are whining about it. Typical dishonest demos. Change the rules when ever the rules don’t work for them.
The popular vote is different than electoral. It gives states less populated a say in the elections. We also now have a problem with voter fraud from illegals by dishonest Demos. Illegals hear one thing from them were racist if we don’t vote for them, and we hear another.. We’re not talking to you citizens right now when screaming for open boarders so illegals and immigrants hear it.. Saying over here vote for me.
What do they do when it’s all over? New stragety.. Never about listening.. Same old same old.
Heres some info:
Good Morning,
From what I’ve read about the Electoral College, which I admit isn’t much, if the Electorate chooses to vote against the popular vote he can be fined a maximum $1000 and he can lose his position as Electorate, and in some cases even have to serve time in prison if convicted. Is that close??
Anyway, just suppose there is a multi billionaire out there who has an agenda and is pulling the strings by dumping $BILLIONS into swaying the outcome of this election, just as he has done with the immigration refugee crisis around the world……but with all his shenanigans he has not been able to sway the American voter to choose crooked Hillary……And now there is just one chance left for his agenda to be fulfilled…..and that one chance is to bribe enough of the Electorate to overturn the popular vote which would then dethrone Donald and install crooked Hillary as the President Elect.
So this billionaire has about 50 letters prepared to the Electorates of all the states where the popular vote was fairly close, saying:
Dear Electorate,
Upon your submission of Electoral College votes in favor of crooked Hillary there will be deposited to an account in your name at XYZ bank in XXXXXXXX country the sum of $10 million to use as you please with no strings attached.
Wealthy Billionaire
PS: You’ll have to take care of your own $1000 fine
Could enough of the Electorate be swayed to forget their honesty and integrity and vote against the popular vote????? Just asking!!
Hope you and all Americans enjoy your Thanksgiving, and all the best from Silverngold.
Red Eagle Mining Completes Construction of the San Ramon Gold Mine During Q3 2016
Harte Gold Announces $25 Million Financing
Nautilus Minerals Vessel Update
Scorpio Gold Reports Financial Results for Third Quarter of 2016
I have some friends that are very concerned about the attempt to sway electoral votes and steal the election. I don’t think they can pull it off but I have no doubt they’ll try.
If they were to do it, I have to think there would be unprecedented chaos.
Looks like we have voter intimidation and if it were in reverse you know they’d have their propaganda of Trumps supporters being nazis and must be rounded up by the IRS lol . Of course the current imposters in office won’t discourage any of the current events. It’s okay to treat other people badly as long as it isn’t them. Oh the hypocrisy, takes something out of their credibility. .
Ironic one claims Trump isn’t his biblical pick? Compared to what? Hillary or Obama? Communism? They’ll do the same ” call them nazi” if they go after Hillary now. I can only guess their hesitance. It will cause more civil unrest and make him look like a dictator.
Apparently who ever the one talking bible doesn’t know the constitution very well that excludes it in politics unlike the Muslims other than right to practice it which would be much harder with current imposters where saying Merry Chritmas is forbidden in businesses. The ones siding with Hillary that’s already obvious.
Maybe he should move to Calif or maybe NY or other blue states where they are easily tricked into voting their rights away thn suffer the consequences . . They think a Biblical pick is muslim enabler or NWO conformist who would ban Christmas or Hanukkah or the mention of it if his arrogant refugees who are used to suppressing it in the Mid East that included it in their politics.
I saw a hateful hysterical CEO on MSM who said he wouldn’t do business with Trump because he’s a .. And went off calling him all the names Hillary threw out there during the debates. He couldn’t back it up of course without including himself in his quest for free speech that apparent he thinks is a one way street. Called him a nazi too.
Capitalism gone rogue.
So let’s compare some of the similarities,
CEOs like him merging with the nazi party? I guess it’s okay for him but not Trump. Is it be because he can’t bribe Trump like the others and as mad as they’ve gotten away with it for so long.
Attack on free speech except theirs? Attack on self defense and gun rights where only government had the guns?
How did that work out for that little girl at the Indian protest? According to my daughter in law a ” American Indian” where by they way ” none of you all are legal immigrants”lol giving their country away so arrogantly and freely. They about blew her arm off.
She said :
The girls arm was blown to the bone. Her muscles and soft tissue from elbow to wrist was gone. I guess she went to hand out water to protesters from NY
Well again ” the chair is empty” too busy with his ear to the wall with Trump and his picks and how they are going to organize against them.
I could go an about the Nazis including forcing little girls to share bathrooms with men to perhaps dehumanize them and get them used to Gov control and having no rights. It’s pretty obvious he’s trying to get even for the slaves of past most of us had nothing to do with.
Martin Luther would be his nemesis today so he doesn’t need to try to compare himself to him. Martin believed not in division but unity and he was a real threat because they couldn’t make a bad guy out of him.
He led by example not arrogance, attacking christians, pandering, self pity or propaganda. His only legacy will be trying to undo his. While Obama feeds into it and justifies it.. Just can’t trust those savages with power or all will go to hell, while christian Martin was beyond reproach. He was more like Ben Carson, intelligent and likable.,
So who’s the Nazi.
Well Id wish you a Happy Thanksgiving but yours is over I think
In Calif the duck hunters who didn’t get the message might have had trouble getting their duck hunting shells since the background check in place for ammo now and heard they put a freeze in it for awhile. But good old Californians a blue state so easily confirm with the Nazis lol
I went from looking up seeing the geese flying from the east from food on the way to fly high little birds lol
Then the money goes straight to more border crossers instead of where it’s supposed to. Next they’ll be giving themselves raises while the voters just voted themselves in a wage cut based on their lies.
Thanksgiving for the kids this year. All bringing things over the youngest grandson age 4 said ” I see you have a lot of food.” so again the story of thanksgiving.
Kinda ironic. We’re celebrating thanksgiving when we have American Indians under the gun and refugees who are thankful for nothing.
In away can’t blame many of them with Obama allowing and funding terrorist groups to run ramped and so easy to see it their way under the circumstances for survival. Guess we’re not very good survivalist, because we never will. Give me liberty or give me death runs deep throughout the country. We’re not gonna wait till we’re subjugated.
Again what does the constitution define treason. Question for those who so easily call constitutional patriots nazis. Guess it’s easier to through out than calling themselves conformist while so easily taking things for granted in their arrogance.
Now we got Nosy Rosy calling Trumps 10 year old son autistic.
Part of the nasty women club. Maybe the boy can lead with example with manners. Something she’s lacking as well as even if he was, and her point is? Does she promote mandatory vaccines while she’s at it? Well one good thing for young ones. In their quest to promote gay as normal they’re making a total ass out of themselves.
Progressives have no backbone and would sell you and your children you out for sake of themselves.
As far as the pipeline why can’t they build a underground tunnel to the river and lay the pipe inside it. Then they can have access for maintenance and if it leaks it won’t get into the water so easily and easier to fix?
ps In the crying and grumbling about the elections I never heard one MSM bring up the fact poll workers can no longer ask to see peoples IDs to verify they are who they say or that they are citizens eligible to vote. There is rumors more than 3 million non citizens voted. I know I had to help a couple of spanish speaking who spoke no English at all. Despite their attempt to stack the deck against the citizens including machines changing votes from Trump to Hillary they videoed they still lost. People knew it was now or never.
Amtrak is one year old. The Milwaukee Road ‘Hiawatha’ is gone, but not the locomotives. Here they pull the ‘Empire Builder’ east thru Wisconsin with a mix of Great Northern and Northern Pacific equipment.
Other than the fact that bird was pristine white, I had trouble spotting Barrack.
…and some results-oriented ‘Business Reengineering Processes’ (turnaround) managers in the government halls.
Assinine butt-lickers like Krugman need to be put out on the streets with no job so they might learn the error of their ways.
The Economist has been a liberal keynesian rag supporting the political party line forever.