The attempt to steal the election appears to be two-pronged.
- Sway the electors, which I don’t think will happen
- Jill Stein is raising money to do recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which if overturned would give the election to Hillary. Knowing the Democrats propensity to manufacture votes, this is somewhat worrisome. Jill Stein, like Bernie Sanders is a tool of the Marxist, modern day Bolsheviks.
I can tell you, if they attempt to overturn this election and award it to Hillary, this country will be broken in half and could easily turn into civil war. The Red State folks have had just about enough of the leftist, Marxist, globalists and their nutballs in gov’t. MSM, Hollywood, Academia and the rest. I really think things would get ugly fast.
There is no way Hillary stealing the election could be resolved in the courts. JMHO