Farmboy, you know you are one of my favorite writers from way way back. I do think the USA going forward will be better off. I assumed that after the ’08 meltdown. No matter who the next spokesperson is in. Being nothing left to take, and all the artificial life support (no doc liar loans) simply ran out.
I see more than ONE powers that be involved. The new battles these days are survival of the fittest Powers That Be. Money or wealth has been spread too thin globally. The few various wealthy and big elites ultimately get their riches from the masses, who have less to “share” or “give” these days for the upper class to “get”.
Its not been historically imo, the other way around, masses getting wealth FROM the elite. When you said….
“The silent majority in this country finally woke up, walked up, and bitch slapped the Elitists. And we put our outsider Trump into the Oval Office,” that’s where I don’t agree, because the silent pissed off majority was always there. But never had anyone to vote for until Trump entered the game.
Before Trump the Tea Party outsiders got in, and refused to cooperate with the insider republicans and or democrats. So “change” was already unfolding, in a way TPTB did not like.
Austerity. Less money for…..Environmental, less for space and defense, less for Israel and others. Do you remember the Gov’t media complaining about “Obama” throwing Israel
under the bus?
And Trump saying or implying, that a UN peace deal has no business being negotiated 1,200 miles away. That the meetings or peace deals should be negotiated face to face in the middle east? Not decided by outsiders. Israel and the Military establishment were gradually losing power, or money in a natural evolution.
The few existing powers that be don’t like natural market forces, or natural emotional forces. Using Trump and his WORDS would be a good method to attain retain or funnel shiny new voters and votes from the masses of the pissed off silent majority.