Nice split amongst Trumps inner circle. Huckabee, Gulianni, Kelly Ann Conway, Gingrich say hell NO! That Romney guy is a two faced SOB that stepped WAY over the line. No question that they are correct. However, opposing them are Reince Pierbus and Mike Pence…very powerful Trump confidants. And who are these latter two deeply connected to?? None other then Paul Ryan! And why would Trump need Paul Ryan’s help? Well if Trump has major game changing legislation in mind he will need every Republican vote that he can get including those elitist Rino and Neo Con votes. Distasteful but, perhaps necessary is the thinking. Amongst the most trusted Trump advisors are his children who recomended Mike Pence for the VP slot. They have not announced which side that they will back in this fight yet. Behind the scenes it seems doubtful that they will go against Pence. Trump does not take kindly to being trashed talked and Romney did a heap of it. To get his agenda thru congress, Trump may have decided to dance with the devil and do it with a smile.