Breaking News
There are unconfirmed reports that Russian hackers have infiltrated the New York Times and planted a true story
Only 8 more hours
…until 2016 leaves the Hawaii time zone… just about the last populous zone on earth.
Buygold @ 20:26
Your brain isn’t failing you yet. It would appear that both Moggy and I are followers of Clif High’s Webbots & predictive linguistics.
But we should probably ALL have our heads examined for being gold bugs this long!
If you are the Cliff High webots follower and I confused you with Maya – my apologies! This old brain is failing me in my old age.
Happy New Year
To readers gathered here
Happy New year to all who follow the yellow( and silver) brick road. My this new year of 2017 bring Global peace, economic harmony, good will, and sanity to an otherwise wild wild world we all find ourselves in this evening.
Wanda, Winedoc, Mr. Copper, keep your faces to the sun and wind on your backs… wishes…..
Happy New Year to all the tents in the eastern hemisphere…Margaret are you still awake?
Now onto the Obama hissy fit and Clinton neo con grand plan…
We should know phase two soon, with NYE celebrations the obvious launch, which is why tomorrow when everyone exhales a sigh of relief that NYE went off without a hitch that plan mobilizes. Guard down and all.
Either way, a 20 day window is small….stay vigilante…Ha, see what I did there?
wxman @ 11:10…Thanks JJ
Anybody have a chart they’d like to share using wxman’s technique?? I may try it later when I have more time.
Happy New Year to all from Silverngold!
Richard and eeos
If you go back to this post by wxman you will find the chart will enlarge. Perhaps wxman can tell us how he did it???????????? It’s the only one in recent history that has enlarged AFAIK.
We are within the zone of the 8 year bottom cycle
Saw this posted on a ZH thread and I thought of you:
“Clif High’s new Webot Report is out. Damn it’s a doozy.
Moonshot a coming.”
Happy New Year everyone.
Some great charts here! PM bullish-wishful thinking? You decide.
Super Force Signals – A Leading Market Timing Service
We Take Every Trade Ourselves
Gold: Happy New Year Starts Now
The website used to allow us to click on pictures and see enlarged images. For some reason this feature has been disabled within the last couple months. I can’t click and enlarge on anyone’s images any longer
Ororeef–Great work! I think u r right and that risk/reward currently justifies
taking some initial positions–Friday was brutal and shocking=all of Thursdays gains were clawed back in JNUG–and with the $ DOWN 450bps–and crime-X gold futures down only $6…I wish your charts enlarged…is our site not programmed to enlarge charts or does that depend on the poster?
From the Volcano
Snow on Mauna Kea summit, with clouds and high overcast. Bone-chillin’ 64 F. this morning. Taken from Hilo Bayfront.
Pix from the ranch… the “back 40” full of trees and… ground cover after a month of no cutting. Those little mounds in the terrain are lava-domes of nice ropey lava. This place is a rock garden once it is all cleaned out and maintained.
Buried back there is Mango, Lychee, lemon, guava, papaya, mountain apple, an Achiote’ (Annatto seed). Those broadleafs on the left are Heliconias with orange hanging blooms. There is torch ginger, too. There’s a magnolia tree showing a few round leaves on the right edge. That spikey-spiney thing in the middle is a Dracaena or Dragon plant… tree sized. The broadleaf cluster in the front center is a Ti plant… believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits..
Only thing missing now is a good vegetable garden. More on the ‘to do’ list for the next 20 years.