I am with you in optimism that junior PM mining stocks will have a good year in 2017 and, I suspect, even some very good performance before this calendar year ends. If I adopt Farmboy’s term of calling them his ‘ponies’ then the ponies owned by me and by Mrs. Equiz have brands on their right rear flanks that signify the top individual shareholders of these ponies are R. McEwen and K. Neumeyer. Aside from the MUX and FF brand marks, other brands we are holding in our portfolios in high expectation for 2017 go under the ownership names of Sandstorm, Silver Wheaton, Americas Silver, Endeavor Silver and, one of the most handsome of all, First Majestic.
On my Dad’s farm where I grew up in the short-grass region of the North American high plains, I seem to remember that ponies sometimes get very frisky when the first chinook winds sweep east off the Rocky Mountains in early spring. Wishing the best for you and your PM portfolios. Equiz.