Trump will say “MAKE MY DAY” Its the democrats that want the INCOME TAX ! soak the rich ,punish the productive sector !
Trumps response will simply be an Import TAX on everything,and or a National Sales TAX …..where everybody that SPENDS money will pay the TAX ..that will include the Free Loaders ,the Drug addicts,the prostitutes ,the Poor on fixed income ,MAYBE its time has come where EVERYBODY has the DUTY to pay something for the privilege of being in America …..and stop the “IM POOR excuse for being a freeloader” GO ahead and MAKE his DAY ! MAYBE it TIME has COME ! He’s gonna brings back jobs and the so called “POOR” will have to pay their own way ! and be forced to accept whatever jobs are available .After he deports the illegals force everybody to take a job !no matter what the PAY! Go AHEAD refuse to pay TAXES’ll see what happens you dummies….and you’ll get a “MAKE MY DAY “response !
Remember Reagan’s response to the AIR Traffic Controllers ? Thats the LAST time we had a REAL MAN in the White House instead of a wuess !