When Gold is going up, everybody says its going to $2,000. When ever Gold goes down? They all say its going to $800. They all always want to look smart, and never disagree with and or exaggerate the present direction.
Same with pretty much all markets. Its also common when everybody says the same thing, it soon goes the other way. Look at the Hillary thing. Widely held opinions are generally wrong.
Is the US economy REALLY booming these days? Will it boom in early 2017? Will the Fed Res, boss of all bosses over Janet Yellen, drop the dollar to help the US economy boom? Or will she show Donald who the REAL boss is when it comes to which country is in need of help.
Since 7/11/16 higher rates and higher US dollar, the Fed (or natural forces? ha) has been helping all other countries economies EXCEPT the USA economy. Is this temporary because the non US countries will get thrown off the US gravy train soon?