……… and they are trying to save humanity with their mandatory vaccines, GMO foods, divide and conquer immigration tactics, Satanic rituals to replace Christianity and belief in GOD……. and all the unnecessary wars were created for the people’s benefit……. and many more things that don’t come to mind at the moment that “seem” to be detrimental to humanity, then I guess in your mind it could be possible or probable that the years of spraying the earth’s atmosphere with metals etc that are slowly but surely killing the planet is a good thing for humanity.
On the other hand, if you believe as I do that there is an ongoing depopulation agenda that is multifaceted and only benefits a few while “culling the herd” of the rest, then you would probably be skeptical that all that is taking place is for our own good. I’m wondering what the governments long range plan is for creating generations of “useless eaters” who have no desire to work and only expect more and more from those who do work to support them???? I can only see this ending badly!!
Sorry I’m not doing a better job on this post but I’m rushed for time with so much going on. Wish I could find my rose colored glasses….but your music compensates a little to calm the savage beast within my heart. Keep them coming! All The Best from Silverngold