@Buygold – why not Israel?
I thought you bought up a legitimate question. after all Israel is a lot closer, they are neighbors, have a shared history etc.
JINO’s indeed. I should have thought of that.
Just dare not say that or criticize them though or you will be branded an anti-Semite.
This is the kind of American representation we really need:
Congresswoman Who Says U.S. Funds ISIS Just Got Back from Syria: Here’s What She Found
the only thing i can think of is that shultz, albright, and schumer are left leaning democrats (marxists?) first, and their comittment to judaism comes after that, if at all. JINO’s if you will. also in this type would be george soros, and doubtless many more.
Auandag, Treefrog
Can either of you guys can tell me why Jews like Charles Schumer, Madeleine Albright and Howard Schultz are so concerned about getting Muslims into the U.S.?
Does that make any sense at all? They sure as hell don’t want them in Israel.
Albright said it was just fine starving 500K Iraqi children.
Why the crocodile tears? They could care less about Muslims. What is their agenda?
treefrog @17:38 Crapucino
Thanks for the alert. Hiyooo!
OMG! They’re killing the plastic!
‘It’s just PLASTIC!’: Outrage as Animal rights group PETA demands Games Workshop remove ‘fur’ pelts from its Warhammer 40,000 figures
Floridagold @ 11:12
Yeah, it has an established ‘lava tube’ for that flow and it can be a gushing flood into the sea. Surface breakouts are much more lethargic with slow, spreading fronts that depends upon how much viscous thermal mass are behind it.
Local TV last night had that shot showing some fools who ignored the warning barriers and went right to the edge of that cliff to look over… just as a steam explosion erupted below and sent them running back from the cliff face. That whole area is unstable and the cliff face and lava ledge regularly break off into the ocean.
A Message to the Angry Leftists from an American Infantryman
Posted by Iron Mike on November 19, 2016
dollar index slips below one hundred
first time this year – but it’s only january.
Schumer= definition of Lefty Hypocracy!
Has Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Own Racist History Comes Back To Bite Him?
Maddog 9:10 lol He’s taking back our country faster than they can react, hedge, sell or buy.
Mr Copper 10:24 I have no doubt they would of gone to far then if they could. They had a harder time writing scrips for TV and movies or controlling the media then without getting black listed.
Auandag re Libtards, They Were The Dominant Force For Decades
The description “Libtards” I believe was created here by Wanka or Farmboy, not sure who created it, but its perfect new word.
During the McCarthy era they were trying to nip it in the bud, but lost, unfortunately. But over the long term they succeeded in screwing themselves by just going too far.
DELINGPOLE: Trump’s Climate Plans Just Made the Media’s Heads Explode
Maddog Yeah…I especially luv all the lefties freaking out
and showing themselves for the fools that they all are:
and don’t let the door …
Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Yates For “Betrayal”
I saw that tweet on the main news last night and laughed outloud.
My wife says lots of people she knows are loving every minute of the The Donald, as it is all so exciting, waiting to see who he disses/pisses off next
Whats the difference between Chuck Schumer and a crocodile?
A crocodile’s tears are real and he will take a bite out of you and not your wallet.