Bitcoin hit $1030 this morning.
A lot of doubts about bitcoin can be resolved by simply learning more about how it works. The blockchain leaves a ‘transaction record’ to wallet numbers that are randomly generated, with no user identity attached. So audit trails do not work, unless a user reveals what wallet # was used for what transaction. That’s why the gov’t goes after the exchanges to reveal ‘user data’… the only way they can track is at the point of transfer 1n/out of bitcoin and tag that transaction to ‘user data’ stored at the exchange.
One is much safer in an one-to-one transaction such as purchasing an item. That cannot be tracked unless one party reveals something.
And EEOS… really? I’m sure you take good care of your physical wallet loaded with cash… and don’t let your daughter play with it or leave it on the stove to burn up. Same safeguards apply with storing a bitcoin drive. You can even make a backup and store TWO copies in different places. Can you do that with the cash in your wallet?