From now until Inauguration Day
Make no mistake about it: from now until Inauguration Day will be the most dangerous times for Donald Trump and his transition team. The very future of the United States of America now hangs in the balance as never before. Hence, it is imperative that every American citizen stays vigilant and does what the Turks recently did to avert the CIA-directed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government.
The people went out in the streets and shut that violent US-coordinated coup down in an Ankara minute. That’s where we are at this very moment; for if the soft coup is not successful for the traitors, they will not stop until they have violently removed Donald Trump from the picture.
Now that so many agencies of the U.S. Federal Government have graphically exposed themselves, there is no going back for them. The culpability of the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies etc. is so obvious for the whole world to see, that they have no choice but to be successful however they must; otherwise, many will face the gallows for high treason.
Herein lies the real challenge for the American people: to terminate this coup-in-progress once and for all before it terminates any semblance of the American Republic.
What are you, American citizens, going to do?