Not worth the two hrs of traffic to get there and 2 hrs to get back home. Traffic is a nightmare these days in Atlanta. And honestly, I enjoy the games better on TV. I get to sit in a recliner with feets propped up, fix my own eats, and I aint paying nobody 8 bucks for a beer. Aint happening ! And I have not enjoyed the last couple of Falcons games, so different than watching on television. At the stadium they run a play, and then stand around for ten minutes so the Networks can run their commercials. Seems like it takes forever to get through a game when you are at the game.
And if you read my post to Maya, then there is that bladder issue. My bathroom is right down the hall, no lines, no funky smells, no stuff on my shoes. And I am pretty sure of the fact I am in the ‘right one’ here at the house.
Feels like Florida today here. 75 Degrees if the old porch thermometer is right. IF I heard it right, said on the radio we set an all time record high for this date.
Well, get ready to kick back and enjoy some football, Best, Farmboy