is safe and out rescuing earth warms in floods of biblical proportions ! Thanks for checking in Golden one. And next time you run across one of those sidewalk sized worms, just go ahead a put him in a coffee can, throw in a bit of dirt and a piece of bread, and mail em to me would ya? That Grandaddy Monster Bass will be hanging on my wall in short time. 🙂
Goldielocks where i live in southern manitoba
We have 2 feet of snow and minus 25 degree farenheit temps and 55 mph wind. I’ll take it and shovelling snow over flooding any time. At least the air is refreshing and my asthma doesn’t bother me. Cheers!
I’ve been asked by a fellow tenter to check in. I’m fine in swim city. Have my wet suits, water purifier and plenty of food. Did have to dig up some of my ” tools” that got drenched in the rain no less. Floods and blizzards every where. Giant worms emerging from the earth. Someone mocked me for picking this huge one up off the side walk before it got stepped on. it was almost aslong as the side walk. He said now look what you did, now he’ll expect to be picked up instead of move by himself from now on and someone WILL step on him. Smart arse. Figured if it lived that long to get that big it deserved to keep trucking, give hope to the other worms which will feed the birds. I did think of Farmboy and his fishing though. Dispure all the rain the souther Cal Aquafiers still need more rain. Maybe not all at once. Northern Cal some places got as much as 75′ of snow a day.
Another week and we have a inauguration. See some of the Repubs are all so positive about all these changes that Trump brough about. Where were they before? They were usless and even compliant and calledit what? Qualified? Qualified for what ??
pms making some moves but guessing have to watch a reverse move from last year.. What was down ul and up down. Maybe not in total order but just saying.. As usual watching on the defensive.. When I can.. Busy beyond humanly habitable right now but hoping for some R&R soon.