Guess who worked for the CIA? Trick question, they both did, dealt with differently. Anybody look closely at the Walsh autopsy? Similar to Andrew Breitbart, Matt Simmons…
Gata go, someone is knocking on my door…
Guess who worked for the CIA? Trick question, they both did, dealt with differently. Anybody look closely at the Walsh autopsy? Similar to Andrew Breitbart, Matt Simmons…
Gata go, someone is knocking on my door…
More agitprop to kill any gold rallies. I still say this was a Clinton strong dollar (lizard boy, it’s the economy stupid) black op…
These three kill it with their deadpan postings…
If the Gold price gets real high, like $5000, many people will want to turn it in, give it up for cash, and then the gov’t could then back the US dollar with gold again, leading to a stable international currency for trade. When the price got real low, many people were buying it, remember?
We’ve both heard that before, so we’ll see what happens. Some kind of currency upheaval seems inevitable, whether it’s the USD or something else (Euro?) remains to be seen.
At least we’re headed in the right direction for now. 🙂
The market is moving… uphill… and so should we. The VIA ’Super Continental’ gets a fill-up before climbing the mountains to the west of Alberta.
“President Trump got more fat women to go out walking in one day than Michelle Obama did in eight years.”
Recently got my latest big annual forecast issue of the Dinesletter. He calls himself the Original Gold Bug since 1964. He said this next wave up might be the final last one that pushes gold to $3,000 to $5,000. He figures in some kind of currency upheaval or fiasco.
Know what we are up against…watch this video:
Maybe she was sucking on lemons for a couple of  hours beforehand to improve her breath .
momma always said, “trashy is as trashy does.”
That smug pr!c# is what gives haoles a bad name. Sheesh… sue your neighbors. Lots of Aloha, there.
Every year the Pacific drowns a few dumb tourists. Maybe we get lucky…