newtogold 20:55 jan 6 and alf 21:55
I don’t belong to any social media like facebook etal….any way you all can send me a phone #? much appreciate if possible.
wankajohn wj
jfmurphy3@goldtentoasis. com
augirl 19:10 jan 20
LOLOLOLOL I love it but but but no splotches of ‘sea weed’? like a couple of strips of kelp! bwahahahahah he would surely freak! then after photo ops we could run around and shake rattles and throw beads to keep the ‘evil’ at bay! wj
I think everything to do with stocks is going to be defensive in the near future. From the level headed who make a point. Global trade up in the air right now in short. Even defensive stocks like defense lol is over bought. They might be waiting. Waiting to see what Trump does here and Brits do with Brexit renegotiations. How that will affect mining Im not sure yet but as evil does they never let a crisis go to waist. Trump is not happy with the numbers wants them higher and heard something he wants the dollar lower. How that will work if we wind up in a trade war I don’t know. We’ll have to keep a eye on both.. The actions and reactions both here and abroad.
I liked your post about the MSM and how people are brainwashed.
I’m gonna keep that post. That was some good homework.
Back in the 70 s John Wayne had a interview, a couple. He was well aware of what was going on even back then when many of us had a feeling things were turning for the worst in Gov but I for one wasn’t too old and couldn’t lablel it other than as open borders were feeding into sleazy business enriching themselves at everyone else’s expense but looked at it as the Devils work and the beginning of end times.
I didn’t get to see those interviews because I didn’t watch tv a whole lot then less a western was on at the right time and that’s only when I had a TV lol
In one he talked about the blacklists of movie stars accused of being communists. His response was one that it wasn’t the actors doing it but the gov. ” Them” ironically people did call them THEM like shadow gov or like inhuman aliens then lol
He said it was necessary because the ” RADICAL LIBS” we’re trying to take over and write the scrips. Propaganda.. Well they slithered their way back and now it’s even in the media.
He also had a interview before his death on how things were changing and a lot of this civil rights is being over played. That they live in the best country in the world with regard to civil rights. Now as we know much of it is being undone but or doesn’t have to do with race, that’s just a side tract and even excuse to upsurp those rights.
That some want to live in the past that irevelant today. He made a point calling it ” HYPHENATED AMERICANS.” Putting them into sub groups is dividing us that we’re all Americans. He was right on by labeling it ” hyphenated Americans.” Hispanic Americans, Afro Americans, LGB whatever Americans and ever growing.
You know if you had a bunch of criminals breaking into your home they would go after the strongest first. That’s the way I see it. The white christian type aren’t so easily taken in by gov rehtoric or unfairness so their going after them first and using the others to do it.
Since then it’s gotten worse not better. They were bellyaching then, they are now, and guessing 50 years from now they will be then too. And everytime something goes wrong theyll be blaming someone else which is currently whites they also hyphenated to privlidged. I guess they are if they don’t fall for that but comes with responsibility they don’t have.. Not being able to blame someone else. I guess that is to some its their sorry way of blaming another for what ever ails them and now their used to having a past president feeding into their needing a fall guy and hate the idea they will have to face reality. Yeah there is some jerks out there and always will be in any group and even to each other but the media made sure that one only one sided and everything else swept under the rug and hid or made excuses like that disabled white kid that got kidnapped because it didn’t fit their ” communist ” radical lib” propaganda and ultimate agenda.
Anybody got info on Jeff Stibbard? Ekati, Oilsands and now JDS silver. A heavy hitter…
Silvertip mine up and running in less than a year, bought from Teck and Silvercorp. Private company, under our usual radar.
Seems like a mover and shaker but a bit tentative with these liar suits standing over a hole in the ground.
Chuck Fipke protege?
I don’t like to ask these delicate questions but sometimes I take long walkabouts from the tent.
I have seen some posts about Scruffy that make me wonder if I have missed something?
DJmm wanted to do a Bre-X tribute based on the upcoming Matthew McCoughney Gold movie. Immediately I thought of Tom Petty with the movie helicopter scenes but realized just one of his songs wasn’t enough…
Juan de Guzman had 2 Petty theme songs, courtesy of the CIA…