I saw this craziness in my hometown in Ontario on my last visit . If memory serves me correctly , Mo (Maurice) Strong , the mastermind behind all this AGW foolishness , was the head of Ontario Hydro and began a movement to shutter the generating stations ( fossil fueled and nuclear ) in favor of ‘renewable’ energy sources a few decades ago . Niagara Falls was tapped out as a source of energy back in the fifties and sixties , so that was not an alternative . Now my hometown area ( Lambton County ) is dotted with wind farms and even more stupidly , solar farms . Electricity costs are going through the roof , while the huge (and efficient) Lambton Generating Station is being mothballed , long before its projected end of life , within about five miles of the terminus of the pipeline from Alberta bringing crude to the refineries in Sarnia .
I note that within the last few days , Trudeau was in Alberta , wringing his hands and shedding crocodile tears about the economic collapse of their economy , due in large part to the move away from fossil fuels which his party promotes . He feels their pain ….Yeah , right !
And on top of that , you have about a 20% Carbon Tax added to your heating bill . I’d love to see whose pocket benefits from that revenue stream . Having lived in areas in NE Ontario that saw -40 degrees in winter , I know the dependence on relatively inexpensive sources of heat .
I now reside in Florida , where nearby fossil fueled stations are also being shut down long before normal end of life . Maybe Trump can reverse the trend , but I know that leaving generating stations in shutdown mode is akin to leaving a car in a field for a few years , then expecting it to function again without problems when it is needed .