If McCain wants war, its because his backers want defense spending contracts, and to get them, they always need and promote trouble somewhere. Ever since 9/11, I figured it was a new way of attack, making the military somewhat useless.
Dated, not geared up for terrorism. Used only for small “police actions” or “regime changes” that suit foreign countries needs ONLY. Like Trump said, the countries that got help for free will have to pay.
I also noticed decades ago, that false rivalry with USSR to artificially maintain un-needed tax spending in both countries, until one went broke USSR. We were supposed to get a break in taxes, peace dividend? I forget what the liars called it, but we never got it.
Even the Russians didn’t get a tax break. Russia continued to send rockets of money into outer space. Its all welfare. The whole global system is one big welfare economy. Artificially created jobs “out of thin air”. Tax PAYERS don’t get paid enough anymore, because of globalization, to maintain these things. Tax absorbers are well paid.
Result? The whole global system is bogged down, and they are in panic mode, using massive “Trump” psychology near term with the hope of things getting better longer term. They may have waited too long. They should gotten rid of Obama after 4 years and started this new angle back then. Maybe Trump was simply not available then.
Re NGD a solid stock. I’ve seen many profitable companies go nowhere, and many losers perform great. There is no way of knowing why some go up and some don’t. Like a popularity contest.