The last paragraph about sums it up.
Fascism is one of those words thrown around by people who have absolutely no idea what its true meaning is. Socialists will often try to use it to smear capitalists, suggesting that it is this ideology, which causes oppression in society whether it is economic, social, racial, or cultural. Historically, Fascism has a terrible reputation just like other authoritarian ideologies. Socialists will often use the word fascism to describe people who are running for certain rights. Deception is therefore applied to fool people into thinking that anyone who associates with this term is representative of atrocities committed in the past. However, the ultimate irony is that fascists are just another brand of socialist. That’s right, you read this correctly. It is a well-known fact that Fascism as a political ideology arose from socialism in the late 19th century into the early 20th century.
To understand Fascism we have to first understand what the nature of socialism is. In one of my previous articles ‘what is collectivism and why it matters?’ explains that socialism is just another word for ‘collectivism’, which is defined as ‘the collective or state controlled means of production and distribution’. Traditionally, people have viewed the political spectrum as linear with communism on the far left and fascism on the far right. The problem with this linear perspective is that it is not accurate, socialism as mentioned is a collectivist ideology, meaning that it advocates the sacrifice of individual liberties to the needs of the group, which are deemed to be more important. Collectivist societies can take away your rights at will and return them at will. To do this, collectivist regimes must rely on coercion; so much so that they rely on death camps to punish people who are speak out against the collectivist state for individual liberties.
What are the differences between communism and Fascism?
This answer might surprise you but there is not much difference between communism and fascism for the reason that they are both socialist and collectivist ideologies that advocate the needs of the group over the needs of the individual. Let’s take a closer look at the two.
. Collectivist
. Complete control of the economy
. Large centralised government that controls every facet of society
. Complete gun control
. Single ruler/cult of personality
. Large benefits
. Large state sponsored work programs
Now let’s compare this to a ‘Fascist’regime
. Collectivist – (Fascism means ‘a bundle of sticks’)
. Complete control of the economy
. Large centralised government that controls every facet of society
. Complete gun control
. Single ruler/cult of personality
. Large Benefits
. Large state sponsored work programs
. Corporatist
SOCIALIST DEATH COUNT = 200,000,000 (and counting)
If you are reading this correctly then there is not much difference between the two at all. This is because socialism is defined as the state or collectivist controlled means and distribution of production. THEY ARE BOTH SOCIALIST. The only difference between the two is that Fascist regimes will corporatise industries to create what we call monopolies. These are large industries that have hegemony on a particular industry so that no competition can arise in the market. German dictator Adolf Hitler did this; he privatised many industries so that he could have complete control over the economy. Leftists like to argue that Fascism is capitalist, but this claim is not true at all for the reason that capitalism (a term coined by Karl Marx) is define as the free and fair trade between two or more parties. Fascist regimes place heavy regulations and taxes on businesses so that they can capitalise the gains and socialise the losses of the businesses by collectively taxing the people to keep them afloat. Other than this it is blatantly obvious that Fascism is just another variant of socialism.
Socialism believes that society needs to be centrally governed in an authority that has absolute power. This means that any socialist system has to rely on coercive power to govern its people. So any system that has absolute control over its people and their individual freedom can rightly be labelled both socialism and collectivism. It then follows that this line of logic dictates that humans have little to no rights unless granted to them by a centralised authority.
What is Fascism?
After having made these clarifications about the nature of collectivism we can now dissect its true meaning. Fascism is a collectivist far left wing ideology that has strong historical roots in socialism. The most obvious example of this is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or better known historically as the ‘NAZIS’, and like all fascist ideologies it can be described as ‘national socialism’, very distinct from communism or ‘international socialism’. Communists have been clever in trying to distance themselves from this form of socialism by trying to suggest that Fascism has something to do with capitalism. But as I have mentioned, capitalism as it is wrongly termed is the free and fair trade between two or more individuals. Describing capitalism as fascist is just plain out wrong because it is not influenced by collectivism but freedom.
Secondly, fascism relies on identity politics to rally people to a particular cause. Whilst communism focuses on social class, fascism focuses on maintaining ethnic purity in a society. Fascist will often place blame on certain races for another’s misfortunes or inconveniences and use this to bind a race of people together. This was the case with NAZI Germany whose regime believes in the superior white Aryan race fighting against the Jewish capitalists who were apparently oppressing the white race. Fascism often advocates for this socialist struggle to be fought by the bourgeois or the intelligent upper middle class, but when compared with communism, the struggle is with the workers or better-termed ‘the proletariat’.
This being said, the proper political spectrum should look something like this:
If you look carefully the political spectrum is divided here with freedom on the right and fascist collectivism on the left. This is a much more accurate spectrum and is acknowledges that ‘all’ collectivist ideologies are situated on the left without falling into the communist propaganda and weasel words of trying to suggest that fascism is a product of capitalism situated on the right. Unfortunately the socialist hegemony on our culture and education system for too long has spread the lies that people who identify with the political right of the spectrum advocating small government, low taxes, protection of culture and borders and free trade are somehow ‘Fascist’ in their thinking. Leftist groupthink dialectic has a stranglehold on this issue of debate labelling anyone who speaks out against their bastardised gross misinterpretation of the political spectrum a ‘racist, bigot, fascist’ probably not to mention other overused cliché’s such as ‘islamophobia’ which has gotten much media attention recently being directed towards the Party for Freedom and its campaign against sharia law and halal certification.
To conclude, the Party for Freedom opposes all collectivist ideologies that seek to take away individual liberties that we in the West hold so valuable. Party for Freedom believes in lower taxes, smaller government, democratic rights to free speech, the removal of section 18C, the banning of sharia law, the free market with little government intervention, restricting foreign ownership, the placing of ‘sensible’ tariffs on important industries, protecting our cultural identity and borders and the promotion of traditional family values based on the Judaeo-Christian model. Many of these policies are quite liberal on the right of the spectrum, advocating more for ‘freedom’ over ‘collectivist coercion’. To label the Party for Freedom as a ‘fascist’ party is out-right stupid and idiotic, for the reason that we are not a socialist party. For those individuals or groups who insists that this is the case, and then you are egotists who are so consumed by group think that you cannot possibly think for yourselves, let alone engage in any rational discussion without resorting to overused clichés and violence. The next time that you see or hear socialists labelling patriot movements ‘fascist’ think to yourselves ‘who are the ones trying to gag our free speech and bully us into giving up our freedoms for the needs of the group?’ If you are reading this and still convinced that socialism is a legitimate political system that should be promoted in the public arena then I advise that you go and see a psychiatrist and several other mental health professionals.
Contributed By A Shore