I think with currently at least 14 major countries having a presence in Antarctica there IS something there, or if not there it will be used to bury the importance of Pedogate. We’ve been hearing for months/years that “some group”, now more or less exposed, is going to “create” an Alien invasion, and what better place to do it than the Antarctic, and who better to pull it off than the biggest liars and fake news out there; CNN and CBS. I wonder if Fox was invited?? I doubt it!!
From the first time I researched the Roswell UFO incident as a kid I have believed there are Aliens, but I have never bought into getting beamed up and raped and having Alien children and all the other weird stuff out there, but to say we are the only living planet and the only life in the Universe would take one heck of a stretched ego and the vision of the three blind mice. There has been clear evidence throughout history of other previous civilizations in the very distant past, perhaps some even a million or more years ago, and advanced even then, but for whatever reason it has been discounted and buried until the official story is that we came from monkeys a few thousand years ago and now we believe we are an advanced civilization. Well, man plans and God smiles!! LOL!!!