I’m thankful for…
1.) Tax preparation software. Couldn’t do this insanity without it.
2.) Solar tax credits. State & Federal paid back 2/3 the installation cost for solar hot water.
The refunds will finance a ham radio & TV tower at the ranch. Looking back… I’ve gone from the most insane highest income year of my career, to ‘unemployment year’, to retired on Social inSecurity with a controlled landing into a paid-up retirement ranch on the volcano. Wow! The mind boggles. This ‘retirement’ thing came around fast and bit hard. I’m glad I had a plan and contingencies. With the closing of this tax chapter life is now cheap and good! …and still a lot of green work!
Post From 2003 14 Years Ago.
@(xxx) Sep 23, 18:06 Re Silver versus Gold
(Mr.Copper) Sep 23, 20:48
Hello Mr XXX, I was wondering. Good post, Most of us here have both bases loaded so we win either way.
The possible advantage I see with gold, is that’s where the big money (banks, Gov’ts, etc) would likely flow, since silver, we all know would take up too much weight and space for big money people.
And we all know there are dumpster loads of fiat out there, world wide.
The big, big, big money people (Gates, Buffit, etc) may have to convert to diamonds.
They used to call silver the poor mans gold, but if things really go nuts with silver at $100-$200 per ounce, and gold at $3,000, then joe six pack will have to settle for Copper at $5/ounce, the poor mans silver.
About old gold prices, one thing I remember, after we got permission to own gold in 1974? 1975? My wife and I walked into a local coin store, and saw and held, a K-Rand for the first time. The price quoted was $140.
We looked at each other, and the dealer, like holly cow! Are you nuts? You can keep it. Our rent was $135/month with the utilities! What’s a months rent today with utilities, for a one bed room apt. And that’s what gold may do imo. One ounce gold equal 1 months rent in a NYC suburb.
Note: Today, 2/18/17, the same apartments today are about $1400/month.
Post From 2005, 12 Years Ago, The “Wage price spiral”
Note: This may be a different Goldilocks than the one we have now. The old Goldilocks was a retired stock broker.
(goldilocks) from Stephen Leeb: 21:31
(Mr.Copper) Mar 21, 22:44
“But if energy continues its trend, it’s only a matter of time before inflation catches up. Historically, when energy costs approach 10% of economic output, they provoke severe increases in inflation.”
Remember the 75′ to 80′ inflation run? The cabal’s media was drumming it into the public’s brains, day after day, that the cause of inflation was higher wages and labor unions.
They even had a name for it…”The wage price spiral”.
I wonder if they have the nerve to wheel THAT one out again. They even had auto union members feeling guilty about themselves.
I believe that era turned a lot of people against American cars, whos quality was dropping fast since they had to compete with exchange rates and foreign subsidized auto makers.
The poor US auto makers, to save money were even using imported reprocessed steel and the cars were rotting out in a few years. The 71-86 models were the worst.
In 1967 I had a used 54 Buick. It was an indestructible tank. With 1/8 in thk chrome plated steel bumpers. It had a one-speed trany they called Dynaflo.
It was like driving down the road on your sofa. :)You couldn’t even hear or feel it run. I traded it to my landlord for a 32′ cabin cruiser, custom built in 1917.
Soon after got he got into a very serious accident, a bridge abutment I think it was, and said he was glad he was in that Buick or he never would have survived.
And now that I’m on the subject, higher energy prices are NOT the cause of inflation either. Will they use that one next?
If You Have Been Doing Something, For Decades, That You Should Not Have Been Doing, You Had Better Stop Before You Get Caught. Mr Copper After Bernie Madoff Got Caught.
Think about that. Now the illegal immigrants are getting caught, and the communist media is getting caught. Re “fake news”?? Lately its fake Climate Change, and an anti EPA guy in charge of the EPA, another that is getting caught.
One of these days Trump might mention the Fake US Dollar and the Fake artificial US Economy, two other imposters that need to be exposed. Pretty much everything ELSE has to reverse because the past was one big embezzlement con job against the USA.
Good one, Id pass it around but don’t know if many Californians would think it’s funny except for those on the Trump team. Even then hard to say. Maya don’t laugh too hard, your in a blue state. Least it’s out of Calif so might get some laughs.
Just out of curiosity I checked Merkels age. Although she looks older she’s 62 which means she wasn’t born yet during his alleged death, she born around 1955.
Even bacteria have their uses, lol.
Moggy @ 13:46
LOL! And here I didn’t think they were good for anything!
Farmboy @ 8:40
I sleep past noon on my leisure day and now I find I gotta go all the way to the beach for Coffee? Sometimes you make life hard…
The Pope on vacation in Alaska
The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska.
He was driving along near the campground when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a ‘Vote for Hillary’ hat and a ‘Save the Trees’ shirt.
The man was screaming and struggling frantically, thrashing all about and trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot grizzly bear.
As the Pope watched in horror, a group of Republican loggers wearing Go Trump shirts came racing up. One quickly fired a .44 magnum slug right into the bear’s chest. The two other men pulled the semiconscious Democrat from the bear’s grasp.
Then using baseball bats, the three loggers finished off the bear. Two of the men dragged the dead grizzly onto the bed of their pickup truck while the other tenderly placed the injured Democrat in the back seat.
As they began to leave, the Pope summoned all of them over to him. “I give you my blessing for your brave actions!” he proudly proclaimed. “I have heard there was bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic environmental activists, but now I’ve seen with my own eyes that this is not true.
As the Pope drove off, one logger asked his buddies, “Who was that guy? “Dude, that was the Pope,” another replied. “He’s in direct contact with Heaven and has access to all wisdom.”
“Well,” the logger said, “he may have access to all wisdom, but he don’t know squat about bear hunting.” By the way, is the bait still alive or do we need to go back to California and get another one?
FWIW – Flynn and Pizzagate
CIA Agent: Michael Flynn Was Ousted After Obtaining DC Pedophile List
![A former CIA agent claims that General Michael Flynn was fired after he obtained a list naming Washington D.C. pedophiles connected to a huge DC pedo ring A former CIA agent claims that General Michael Flynn was fired after he obtained a list naming Washington D.C. pedophiles connected to a huge DC pedo ring](http://cdns.yournewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Flynn-dc-pedo-ring-900x350.jpg)
A former CIA agent says that General Michael Flynn was ousted from the White House after obtaining a Washington DC pedophile list naming high-level politicians who belong to a DC pedo ring.
According to Robert David Steele, Flynn was actually fired after he obtained a list of names, some of whom the FBI were actively investigating in connection to the Pizzagate scandal, and one of whom was Vice President Mike Pence’s “best friend.”
The former CIA officer says that there are locations in Washington DC and Saudi Arabia where children are routinely “ordered” and trafficked to highly placed politicians operating in the Capitol.
Here’s the main summary points for the first 5 minutes of the video:
* Donald Trump is our chance to take down the deep state
* “White hat” intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie
* Former CIA head John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the Electoral College
* John Brennan highest paid agent of Saudi Arabia, should be under FBI investigation
* Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper of pedophilia — Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the tip of the iceberg
* Wikileaks is going to take down Priebus?
* Pedophilia is an “elite privilege” — For the Democrats it’s an “acquired taste” — Podesta is a “pedo-light”
* The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a “big league thing”
* There are Saudi Arabian and Washington DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off of the menu
* DC pedophilia is the Achilles heel, and Trump has figured that out
* Flynn didn’t get fired because he called the Russians
* Flynn got fired because he “had the arrogance to think” (sarcasm) that he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do
* Flynn pissed off VP Pence
* Flynn’s call that got him in trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the US, one of whom happens to be VP Mike Pence’s best friend
* Flynn did not tell Pence about the list, or that his “best friend” was on it. Pence found out about this from the deep state (probably NSA taps)
* The NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity!
* The CIA is leaking HIGHLY classified information as part of a political coup against Trump
That is hysterical!!! Bless those dads, they are triple A.
Dads usually have no problem at their sons practice but these dads step it up for their daughters
Any dad brave enough for this. Give them a A for effort lol
Thanks for the Still video.
I’ve got to wonder how soon it will be before Sessions goes after the leakers. I suspect he’s got a lot of housecleaning to do at the DOJ first to drain that swamp before he can proceed. I heard Jason Chaffetz R-Utah say that there are 500 Inspector Generals at the DOJ alone. That’s an awful big swamp, and you have to figure that 95% of them are libtards.
I hope Mattis and Kelly have a firm grip of their contacts in the military because it might just take the military to override this attempted coup by the deep state.
Morning Silverngold, Moggy
Sliverngold – there has been a lot of chatter about the lost civilization Atlantis and that it may be located in Antarctica. I guess we’ll find out if there’s anything there. As for Pizzagate, if true that is the crown jewel.
Moggy – I hear you. Somehow the deep state is layers and layers deep. It would almost take something on the scale of Pizzagate to expose and dismantle them. I don’t know.
I gotta think something totally out of the realm is coming, that will shock this country and these markets into an unbelievable reality.