Stockman: “After March 15 Everything Will Grind To A Halt”
Two weeks after David Stockman warned that “the market is apparently pricing in a huge Trump stimulus. But if you just look at the real world out there, the only thing that’s going to happen is a fiscal bloodbath and a White House train wreck like never before in U.S. history” and exclaimed that, when looking at markets, “what’s going on today is complete insanity” he is back with another interview, this time with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog in which he, once again warns, that a giant fiscal bloodbatch is coming soon, and urges listeners to pay especially close attention to the March 15, 2017 debt ceiling deadling, at which point everything could “grind to a halt.”
I definitely sort of hope he’s right in terms of where he thinks gold and silver are going. On the other hand, he does seem to be the boy who cries wolf and has been for awhile now.
Nostradamus said fiat currency dies by 2020. Who the hell knows? Was really hoping Trump would be able to fix things and drain the swamp.