Heres a first,I would like to add a post Script to my own Post ..I suggest that GAYS,LESBIANS,FEMINISTS,TRANSGENDERS and assorted others whatever they call themselves ALL contributed to the Declining BIRTH RATE in almost all of Europe of the native Europeans . Immigration from N.Africa and the Mid East is not a Good substitute because of conflicting Cultures and conflicting Religions and Sharia LAW conflicts with European Laws. The Future is CLEAR …Europe is going to be like the Mid East ..full of Conflicts Wars, Poverty ,Bombings disrespect for written Law that applies equality as its replaced by Laws that each little fifedom sees as its own version of justice ….God Help them ! If they ever needed a written Constitution its NOW ! The N.Africans use Hillarys proverbs ” it takes a village to raise a child” .So they let the street educate their children as the MEN abandon them .The Muzzies have unlimited children since the MULLAHS force everybody to share the POVERTY equally by political redistribution of available resources without regard for who works and who dont ! ..Communism via Theocracy … Nobody creates wealth because everybody wants to share the wealth but not the investment costs …so the Mid East mentality is just another form of Communism.
As they invade Europe and its all over when they get the majority VOTES ! They are not Stupid ,they will vote themselves what you have. democracy collapses and everybody has the same …nothing !
Africa did the same they confiscated the mines (S.AFrica),redistributed FARM LAND ( ZIMBABWE) .took control of ESCOM (electricity producer) .NOW the mines lose money,The Farms cant produce enough Food despite adequate rainfall and good land ,Electricity gets rationed as no one make investment anymore !. Nobody invests in their Future,because they dont have any..
Who is going to invest in Europes Future …nobody ! It dosent have one ! Private assets will be confiscated ! State Property with income like Ports and Railroads will be sold and profits stolen….and they wonder why the BIRTH RATES are FALLING ?
The Gubberment will resort to selling the children for adoption like the Romanians did for $10,000 each to Stupid Americans ,The Germans bring in MEN to service German Prostitutes to make money as PIMPS . Government pretended to have morals at one time ..they forbid Gambling ,Alcohol,DOPE ,Prostitution they run Casinos,LOTTERYS ,sell alcohol,sell Marijuana, and run Government sponsored PIMP POLICIES like Germany . Its all come down to Show me the Money that I can TAX…..
The only SIN LEFT is TAXES itself …! When you tax get less of it ! Thats why Birth Rate s are Falling !