The Progressives need to be told, their “progress” simply went to far in the wrong direction. Because of all that “progress”, the USA manufacturing base has been transferred to other nations, the US middle class was robbed, and now called the working poor, plus the USA now has a $19 trillion national debt.
Buy American, and hire American, was my mantra in the ’70s, at the beginning of this global “progress”.
@Moggy re 12:04 re your “An economic disaster has been in the works for many years ”
You’re right on all that. You could call it a long slow motion 40 year long stealth depression, but an obvious depression for the millions of victims not employed in occupations supported by the gov’t. The gov’t picked the winners and the losers.
The “winners” of the past, like retail sales (of cheap imports) Real Estate related, (low rates and tax breaks) Gov’t employment (EPA, Parks Dept, etc) Accountants book keepers, (complicated tax returns) will probably be the losers of the future. The losers of the past will probably be the winners in the future.
@Moggy re your: “Trump became president that we would escape a financial debacle isn’t thinking straight”
Right again on that. The transition from bad to good, is not going to be easy at all. It will hurt like breaking a bad drug or alcohol habit. No pain no gain. And Trump should explain this to everyone. No pain no gain, if you want things normal and good again.