These writers do make me wonder sometimes. Inflation has hurt the natives there with big business buying up land and for most too expensive for those on the mainland now too. The volcano spirit protects the rest.
Maybe they gotta do something to make it look like their doing something like here on both sides. The Repubs had years to change O unafordable but didn’t yet tried to repeal it without a replacement. It all has been festering for years. I worked as a insurance adjuster for awhile but too young to sit at a desk when I could see patients screamjng for help behind the paperwork and also saw they were hiring foreigners back then in the early 80s. Went back as a nurse where I felt good do most good. Just better hours as a parent. Game playing to stop payments that only needed a little investigation some of which was walk across the room and look up files. Never send the original of aanything.
I noticed even then Gov wasn’t paying medicare awell hadn’t raises it in years and that was then. They were even cutting things. I remember in the hospital we were ordering up pain meds because they were going to cut it but got reversed and that was back in early 80s.
I can only imagine it’s a bigger mess now and premiums gone up for retirees. The invasion is a big part of that. If they don’t get a handle on that as well as criminals over pricing and it is not just the Epipen because it’s causing insurance companies to take off their list important life saving meds because criminal pharmacy CEOs driving the price up thousands of percent it will go broke and probably already is. Dumping that cost on the working class isn’t working and killing peoole instead of admitting they messed up big time. That and corporate doctoring. I hear people having a hard time finding a doctor who accepts medicare. Talking about unfit. Now we have crazy Pigalosi demanding they check the new plan. Yeah ” just pass it and see what’s in it Piglosi like she could even understand it.