“Spring Ahead” – You’re going to lose sleep tonight
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead tonight… at precisely 2am tomorrow. (Otherwise it’s not valid 🙂 )
Norway Nuclear Meltdown
Well now we know where that radioactive Iodine came from that was ‘sniffed’ all around Europe. The Halden reactor in Norway has suffered an apparent meltdown… although they are not calling it that yet. It’s in a “Special Condition”. Let’s see:
Iodine 131 release = meltdown
“Damaged Fuel” = meltdown
“Dangerous Neutron Flux” = meltdown
Just how extensive the meltdown is unknown.
commish @ 18:58
If Harwood was among those choices he would have come in third. I hate that effer! Hillary trash.
AUY Yamana Chart looks good
they raised 20 million cash and will focus on improving current activities which I think is better than trying to get bigger ! These days bigger is NOT better ..profitable is BETTER ! I think it goes up from here !
If FIORE finds something… AUY has the money to buy what they find and AUY can add to its mill FEED and both will profit ! GO FIORE ! (Frank dont let that 20 million get away,press Fiore management harder ! ) hehe Im referring to Frank Guistra who controls land on 3 sides of AUY’s mine in Chile ! Get that 20 MIL!
Maddog @ 22:04 on March 10, 2017
My view on that is ..after 3 small rate increases market crashes ..Rates are currently irrelevant ! There will be NO large rate increases …TOO MUCH DEBT …The FED is trying to save FACE .They will lose control ! The FED is becoming irrelevant ,they can only do HARM ,they cant do ANY GOOD at this point. They should SHUT UP and go HOME for the Good of the Country ! EVERYTHING is FISCAL from now on ..its all up to TRUMP !