The gov’t media lies and exaggerates everything, and always directs the publics attention in the wrong direction. The Gov’t Media will NEVER give accurate and valuable information for free. The only time they spew something they don’t like, is after some of the population already knows. IE Cat already out of the bag.
The commie media can create or modify a public opinion in about two weeks. Pretty much everything people supposedly think and know these days, was spoon fed to them from the communist media…..
“Weapons of mass destruction” “Free Trade will create jobs”. “protectionism is bad” (for them not us)
“We are winning in Vietnam,” “we have to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam” “We just need more time” (12 years? note US allied with communist China and communist Russia)
“Cheap imports are good for the consumer”, “We don’t want those dirty polluting factory jobs” “Donald Trump is losing in all the polls” “Nobody needs an assault weapon” (or a 12 cylinder Jaguar) ring a bell?
“Most gun owners agree with universal back ground checks” No evidence.