Posted Mar 21, 2017 by Martin Armstrong
What newspapers are doing between the Print and Online Versions is beginning to really question their integrity and reveals why mainstream media is just not trustworthy any more. The New York Times changed what they reported in the “print” edition that clearly stated “wiretapped data” monitoring Trump’s people before the election in Watergate Style probably after realizing what they said might hurt Obama. Why is there such a stark difference between online and the print edition? Obviously, this is not a mistake. It appears to be a deliberate alteration of reporting.
This strange difference between online and print editions of stories seems to be a pattern that is emerging more and more. Mainstream Media is really getting involved in some shady covert manipulation of the pretend news or modern version of propaganda. They are not as smart as they think.
The very night of the debut of the Forecaster in London, I was getting all sorts of emails from London with clients saying the London Evening Standard put out a story saying “City bankers are worth every penny of their huge bonuses” attributing it to me. When I went to the online version, it had a picture of a different Martin Armstrong. I responded to clients sending those emails that no, there were wrong. They corrected me photographing the print edition, which had MY PICTURE not someone else who was in the online version. At first, I assumed this was just a mistake. But this practice of putting out two different versions is becoming a commonplace manipulation.