That is absolutely correct. The problem is whites watch the TELEVITZ and, literally, are brainwashed by that and movies and schools, and God help us, CHURCHES. They are all instruments of the (((DEEP STATE)))
A young man’s view of today’s America:
When the White working middle class dies off
And we younger whites are obstructed in achieving career goals despite college level education – So have no means with which to support a growing family complete with white babies – add to this, drugs, miscegenation, 36 different fucking genders, transgender self mutilations, individual suicides,etc
Then we have the perfect storm in which White Genocide is accomplished on an industrial scale far beyond the fervid imaginings of jews’ muh holocaust™
The big difference is our Genocide won’t be memorialized by an Oscar winning film
This explains what happened to America, to the Whites:
Professor Kevin MacDonald’s ‘The Culture of Critique’ Reviewed emeritus professor of psychology at California State University – Long Beach
When you have non-Whites deciding immigration policy, I think you’ve reached game-over as a country.
Oriental Double-Team: Other Oriental “Judge” Orientals-Over Trump Moslem Ban
And the forest I want people to see, the big picture I want them to understand, even though it is a simplified picture, is this: Without Jews there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent selective murder of two generations of the best and brightest of the Russians. Without Jews as an organized community pushing “multiculturalism” and “diversity” and open borders and racial mixing in the United States, White Americans would not now be facing the prospect of becoming a minority in their own country in the near future.
A Closer Look at the Enemy William Pierce PhD (Physics) former-physics professor at Oregon State University Broadcast Date: October 3, 1998
Why Middle Class Whites Are Dying Faster (In 6 Painful Charts)
“…researchers weave a narrative of “cumulative disadvantage” over a lifetime for white people ages 45 through 54, particularly those with low levels of education… Along with worsening job prospects over the past several decades, this group has seen their chances of a stable marriage and family decline, along with their overall health. To manage their despair about the gap between their hopes and what’s come of their lives, they’ve often turned to drugs, alcohol, and suicide.“