It is absolutely and totally unpayable, and has doomed the American people (and its government) to complete and total slavery.
The American people no longer have a government that answers to or works for them, but rather takes their marching orders from the international central banks, and in the case of the United States, its incarnation as the Federal Reserve.
Born of a total fraud, a fraudulent inducement to contract foisted on the American people in December 1913, the bill enacting this financially extortionate and fiat currency banking system was literally rammed through Congress and the Senate during the Christmas festivities at that time, when 99% of the U.S. Government was home for the holidays.
The legislation itself, which was drafted in secret by an ultra secret financial banker cabal at the aptly named Jekyll Island, by men who literally used fake names in their transportation to get there, the entire process was a criminal conspiracy of the highest order.
This process alone would void and vitiate the U.S. debt alone, because it is standard contract common law that one can void a contract by virtue of fraudulent inducement, misrepresentation, void for vagueness, non-disclosure, incapacity to contract, illegality, or for criminal purposes.
Past Presidents Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson fought viciously against central banking in the United States, opting instead for government-coined currency rather than farming it out to third party interests, and certainly foreign ones at that.
They fought long, hard and bloody wars, and in fact many would argue that the United States itself was founded and declared independence from England exactly because of the stranglehold the European Central Banks had over their originating country, but included the War for Independence of 1776, The War of 1812, and subsequently most major wars after that, all across the world, wherein the international bankers have commanded their host government country leaders to wage cruel, bloody wars against other nations who refused to host one of their international parasitic banks with which to exploit, drain, and extort their people with fractional reserve banking tactics and schemes.
Donald Trump is a seasoned and tough New York City businessman, who has declared bankruptcy himself several times for his companies when he realized that it was no longer feasible, moral, or possible to pay bad or disputed debts – he also is no sucker, and has a proven track record of telling bad debtors to go “pound sand” when they have presented him with invoices for faulty, sub-standard, shoddy, fraudulent, frivolous, illegal, or fictitious debt.
Therefore he is exactly the man for the this job – to tell the Federal Reserve and the international central bankers to “take a long walk, off of a short pier.”
The American people never consented to, or were informed, fully or adequately, about the “deal with the devil” that is the Federal Reserve.
Had this vote been taken today, in the age of the internet, alternative media, social media, Twitter, FaceBook, Google and YouTube, they would overwhelmingly refuse to partake in the outright selling out of their country, their children and families, their property, their freedom, and their birthright.
Unfortunately the fraud has come full circle – the American people are teetering at the brink of the abyss – and their nation and all its worth are being sold on the chopping block for the benefit of the global deep state oligarchy/plutocracy, who all plan to bail on this great nation for hopes of a better future and tomorrow, without them of course.
The American people will not abide by this – and they have duly elected Donald Trump because they truly believe that he will be the man who finally puts this outrageous, fraudulent and fictitious debt down for good, either though outright cancellation, repudiation, or renegotiation, perhaps for pennies on the dollar.
And who will come to collect if the USA doesn’t pay?
The United States of America is pound for pound, the strongest, most militarily superior, most patriotic nation where each and every one of its citizens is armed to the teeth – and we have tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.
As the Greek saying goes, “Molon Labe” – come and take it – usually this phrase refers to the refusal to relinquish weapons, but in this case, this could also refer to the “U.S. debt.”
Donald Trump needs to re-set the clock, re-set the debt, link our currency to tangibles such as gold, real property, and silver instead of fiat fractional reserve paper promissory notes, and get on with “Making America Great Again.”