is no longer worth the Cost .If you have to go into debt for the rest of your life and PAY without end it now becomes feasable to live without the DEBT and a lower income at a better standard of living than with HealthCare ,Education,and the DEBT . Why do I need it when education gets me a job paying $20.00 per hour and HealthCare dosent pay a dime until I shell out the First $15,000 and that after I pay the $600 per month for that privilege. I simply change my name to Mohammad or Jesus’ and apply for a Green Card. Interesting how those TWO have become the namesake of the Freeloaders who neither till the fields nor tend the flock but live like the birds finding seeds in Horse Manure .! Where are they going to deport me to ..I was born here ,my family came here legally . ? Why do I need the DEBT ,what does it get ME ? better not to be indebted to the Banksters who live off the sweat of others and dont produce anything of value or anything anyone is willing to pay for voluntarily.
Bankster …get a JOB ..we are done ! Go join the birds for your food !