There are only a few entities and really only one that can sell hell out of the US mkts and never deliver, never be called for margin and make a mockery of position limits.
There is no doubt that such a seller exists, the mkt action cnfms it daily. It is also very active in the currency mkts and the SM……less so in the Bond mkt, though it may yet have to take that on as well ..
Only 1 1% drop in the S&P in months…u have to go back to the Golden days of the 60’s to find another stretch like it…..Gold held at 1 % exactly, time and again .
The bears are gathering in the SM…Pro’s who see a stupid rally, ripe for shorting…they will likely get slaughtered…and go away wondering, why the scum are so desperate not to let any kind of fall occur…
The mkt action is unreal and becoming very worrisome….