GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
Mr.Copper, I think what we need to do is stop funding ISIS now rather than paying them to stop – at least in Syria.
Auandag agree on all fronts. Reporter on FOX asked today whether the white house had evidence it was Assad -he said no. Yet we have Nikki Haley at the UN railing against Assad and Russia as if they had proof. The CIA owned media runs with the assumption as a certainty. We are easily the most corrupt and evil government on the planet. Trump cannot stop the MIC and deep state as they hurtle us toward war.
and NO ONE shows up? Big problems. Coming to a theater near you. It’s over. People don’t care to fight or be broken into camps. So the PTB are screwed soon.
people my age are waking up and and deciding that all the old guard that’s in place is complete BS. It’s crap. We’re done. So the older generations can hold on a bit longer, but the battlefield has been reshaped. It’s another paradigm shift. seriously
The US government and the western power structure as a whole is completely out of control. Though there is no denying the corruption and criminality that is rampant in other countries like China and Russia, the most dangerous desperate behavior being displayed by a global power center is that of the US / NATO / Trump administration, and the military industrial complex they all stand for. The US / NATO military industrial complex wants total global hegemonic power and will stop at nothing in the attempt to achieve it. The latest desired excuse to ramp up US / NATO military aggression …, but what really happened? And why? Do Americans even remember the earlier false flag chemical weapons attack that was staged in Syria, just as the UN weapons inspectors arrived in Syria? Does any rational person believe the Syrians would invite the UN inspectors to their country (after giving up all their chemical weapons willingly) and then launch a chemical weapons attack (with chemical weapons they did not even have) just in time for the UN inspectors to witness it? Really? The 7 minute video below is very important and informative report of the latest chemical weapons attack false flag launched by western powers that are desperate to trigger global conflict.
What does Google show when you search “Trump / Syria chemical weapons attack”? The Google search results show only the criminally corrupt mainstream media official military industrial complex narrative. That is what the criminal corporate media are paid to do. Some of the “official narrative” headlines from Google are below.
The 2 minute video below is yet another glaring example of power structure controlled corporate media pumping out the scripted false narrative of the military industrial complex. This CNN carefully crafted propaganda report is shockingly transparent in regard to its attempt to create public support for continued US military intervention / aggression.
The US mainstream media is a criminal collaborator and contributor to the totally tyrannical and completely out of control military industrial complex. Their lies also include deceptions of total omission. What else is happening in Syria (and all over the world) that mainstream media has never said a word about? An incomprehensibly massive and unimaginably destructive global climate engineering/weather warfare assault that must also be considered biological warfare due to the highly toxic fallout from these programs.
Chemical weapons false flag attacks are not the only toxic activity being carried out in Syria by those in power. The photo below of the skies over Hama, Syria, was taken on the same day as the false flag chemical attack, April 4th, 2017.
Tartus, Syria (4/4/17). Photo credit: Ali Ali
The next group of startling photos were also recently taken in the skies over Syria.
Available evidence clearly indicates that the US / NATO military industrial complex pushing for WWlll. Due to accelerating biosphere implosion and waning global resources, it seems the power structure feels that creating global conflict and chaos is their last available option. In the meantime, every single human being on the planet (and the entire web of life) is being subjected to the highly toxic fallout from ongoing illegal global climate engineering / intervention programs (which must also be considered a form of biological / chemical warfare). All of us are facing what must be considered a fight for life. Whether or not we accept this or believe it is irrelevant, the front-line facts speak for themselves. All of us are desperately needed in the fight for the greater good. Investigate, participate, make your voice heard. DW
May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.
As you say, Rex Tillerson said we had no interest in removing Assad and that it’s up to the Syrian people to elect their leader. Now having distanced themselves from wanting the removal of Asssad, there now is this so-called gas attack. If Trump doesn’t go after Assad now, they will now say : see this is proof that Trump is working for Putin. These insane neo-cons will stop at nothing to advance their war agenda. Why in the hell would Assad do this, he has nothing to gain from this. How Trump handles this will be very telling. Lets hope he has a few aces of his own up his sleeve.
You’re welcome my friend. Yeah it figures they’d be screwing up one of their most useful features. I think there’s been lots of complaints so they’ll likely bring it back.
the same theory works with other sets of numbers. i have had good results using the eight and twenty-one day exponential moving averages. this seems to give a quicker buy and sell signal.
you capture more of the move, but you may get whipsawed more often. half a dozen of one, three pair of the other. 🙂
“This isn’t what I signed up for. If it’s Trump’s intention to continue the neocon policies that have left this country indebted to its eyeballs fighting meaningless wars, costing the lives of America’s bravest, count me out.”
It appears that the idiots at Yahoo have deep sixed their mining and metals news page in favor of some stock screener program. Until they bring the old page back or I can find it there will be no more morning news.
Find out how many of them exist, probably only a couple thousand of them. And give them $100,000 each, or more. They could probably retire for life with $100k in their checking accounts. Imo ISIS can’t be beat or concurred because they were “formed” or evolved naturally over decades. Just like bacteria that “formed” or evolved getting adjusted to antibiotics.
Unfortunately its more profitable and wanted by special interests to maintain the past. War is good business they used to say.
Actually Goldie Assad has come out and denied the attack saying he “would never do that to his people”
Let’s not forget that this attack comes a week after Rex Tillerson said we had no interest in removing Assad and that it’s up to the Syrian people to elect their leader. This infuriated McCain.
This has all earmarks of a McCain/CIA/Mossad false flag. How hard would it have been to stage the chemicals in an area where they knew Assad would bomb – please.
CIA controlled media – including FOX immediately blames Assad. Trump now painted into a corner with Syria and N. Korea.
Taxes, Obozocare, peace with Russia, Susan Rice – all back burner.
Listened this AM to the Al-Beeb report on it, they were positively salivating at the idea of a confrontation with Vlad…spouting all the preplanned talking points and then they had some major anti Vlad dissident on, telling us all how mad and bad Vlad is.
This really stinks as a false Flag..if Trump buys it and loseing Bannon is a v bad sign then, stand back folks….Hopefully Xi will calm things down, as he is v close to Vlad.
I smell a ‘false flag’. Assad narrowly escaped a slapdown from the previous accusations of ‘gas’… and that was later found to be a plant by the US backed rebels. So why would he try it now?
I smell a CIA deep-state operation to confound Trump.
Your not alone. We haven’t heard any thing from Assad denying it though. If we get any info of a conspiracy it won’t be from the deep state here just as before when they blamed the terrorist attack on Assad. If he did do it he deserves to be taken out of power. If he didn’t hope they find the culprits. If they do get him out of power I hope they put another NON radical in that STILL won’t let the Arabs put up a pipeline through their country heading to Europe. Perhaps the real reason they want him out of power and these murderers shouldn’t get away with it.