Separately, in an unconfirmed report issued by, “Kim Jong-un has ordered 25 percent of Pyongyang residents to leave the city immediately.”
In accordance with the order, 600,000 people should be urgently evacuated. Experts note that the evacuation will most likely be conducted due to extremely strained tensions in relations with the United States of America.
Reportedly, Pyongyang’s bomb shelters will not be able to accommodate the entire population of the North Korean capital. Therefore, 600,000 people – mostly individuals with criminal records – will have to leave Pyongyang to let others use bomb shelters.
We would not give this particular report much credibility, although with the information blackout out of North Korea it is impossible to confirm either way.
With market liquidity already thin, and desks barely staffed ahead of Friday’s holiday, will the market take the risk of another “irrational” demonstration of technological advancement by Kim over the next 24 hours, especially with Trump – and China – both making it abundantly clear any further provocations by North Korea’s regime would be met with retaliation, and hold stocks overnight? The answer will be revealed shortly.