Couple morning thoughts:
- Futures Expiry for Gold and Silver is next Wednesday, April 26. From the view this morning, Gold 1250 is within ear shot, and Silver below 18 almost a given. Could get ugly.
- The Democrats are on a roll in Georgia. Their choice had 48% of the vote last night. If he had gotten just 2% more, he would have clinched it. Now forced into a runoff vote in June. They took a snot nosed 30 yr old whose only claim to fame or experience was as an aid to some Washington Congressman. He does not even live in the District he ran for office ! It was a very polished and slick ad campaign by the Dems. The Republicans ran their usual stiff, boring campaign. Pitiful !!! If this is a sign of future politics, the Dems are far from out of it. ( I know, hard to believe.) But remember, Trump was NOT a Republican, but ran as an ‘outsider’, with mostly his own money. And won in spite of the opposition from his own party.
- Maya, appreciate the coffee and train pic. Speaking of a Circus, we should load that train with the clowns and performers in Washington, and never let them off.