If AU goes to 1300 1400 1500 etc all these miners with double or triple, because of the value of their LAND, with wealth in the ground, untapped reserves. While I’d love to believe this to be true, there is absolutely no evidence that it will be. Maybe a chart of NEM would be helpful? Where was it in 2006? $70-80? MUX $10-11, TRX, $9 (I’m guessing) Hell ABX was over $30 back in 2003 if I recollect..
IMO? Every time gold goes down its a mistake or distortion. I agree, the first distortion is that gold should be well above $2K, probably above $2.5K
All of this is a joke, I can’t believe there are any pm share investors even left. Sure, we’ve had some do a double over the last year. So what? A double off a loss of 90% doesn’t do jack crap for a portfolio. In the meantime, gold gets suppressed day after day, week after week. Wars, dollar, nukes, SM pullbacks, not a G-Damn thing matters.
PT Barnum and Vegas would be proud. The greatest suckers on earth.