but fer Pete’s sakes, I’m to the right of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones. 🙂
Those snowflake protesters are just plain nut jobs.
I tend to agree with Farmboy, Trump has done the best he can in a situation where he’s been fighting the Democrats, the Media, the big gov’t Rino’s like Ryan, McConnell, McCain, Graham and the rest.
I would vote for Trump again if he ran against Hillary or any of the other Dem nutballs.
FYI – I didn’t succeed in chasing Goldcountry or you off. Folks are responsible for their own decisions. It’s funny how free speech works, it means people are free to disagree. Now if I were to shut down or delete posts from everyone who disagrees with me, would I be any different from the Berkeley nutbags?
If he can get rid of Obamacare, cut taxes, build the wall etc. and try to keep us out of war. He will have done a fantastic job. I’m just not sure his cabinet other than Bannon are on board with his campaign promises.