Thanks for the video. I haven’t heard of John Titor. There was already talk of states breaking up. Not just California. Even in California the Northern cities wanted to divide from the southern and coastal liberal cities where there’s a high migration. We have like 99 languages here. Southern states were talking too. It could happen of this liberal crap keeps up.
I was just looking at some fotos of my 20th H.S. reunion–we wuz young and hot-blooded then…where are the snows of yesteryear? [I am 74]-Night all!
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower’ (1934)
Dylan Thomas
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.
The force that drives the water through the rocks
Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams
Turns mine to wax.
And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins
How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.
The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
And I am dumb to tell the hanging man
How of my clay is made the hangman’s lime.
The lips of time leech to the fountain head;
Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores.
And I am dumb to tell a weather’s wind
How time has ticked a heaven round the stars.
And I am dumb to tell the lover’s tomb
How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.
Ororeef, This Headline Is For You. CNN Cancels Griffin’s Contract
In her bubble, Kathy Griffin thought nothing was out of bounds in mocking Trump
Comment: When CNN chastises your butt, you KNOW you have gone too far off the Liberal Reservation.
Thanks Ipso
We all gonna cross that ‘river’ someday. Today just wasn’t his turn.
A big reason not to invest in South Africa
Miners frozen out as South Africa readies empowerment rules
Maya 16:56
He needs his chin strap fastened and dropped 50 feet into water!
Glad to hear that your friend is doing OK!
Highly likely to end up a zero’: Asanko Gold halted after Muddy Waters announces short position
Asanko Gold Inc. shares were halted Wednesday following a dramatic decline after short-seller Muddy Waters released a report saying the Vancouver-based miner “is highly likely to end up a zero.”
The firm’s Carson Block, who exposed the Sino-Forest scandal, said he was shorting the stock, partially because the company invested in Ghana’s Nkran and Esaase mines based on flawed geological work.
“Management is outwardly assured and confident, but their behavior reeks of desperation and short-termism,” he wrote in the report issued Wednesday morning.
Asanko Responds to the Muddy Watters Report
A Bit Of Good News
My friend is doing ok tonight. He indeed had a stroke. The hospital is keeping him overnight, but the prognosis looks good.
I’m telling this in hopes it may be of help to one of us one day. His wife went to take him a glass of ice tea this afternoon. He was sitting on the front porch and she noticed he looked a little strange. Wild eyes and gestures, and inaudible speech, slurring, mostly incoherent. She told him she was going to call an ambulance which seemed to irritate him even more. She quit arguing with him, and being the Iowa farm gal she is, just grabbed his butt and put him in the car and drove to the ER. It was a good thing.
The miracle of modern medicine kicked in with the help of a well trained and astute medical team. Two hours later, Ron was coherent, speaking normally, and fine as a fiddle. They are keeping him overnight because they say often when you have a stroke like his, it can be followed up with one or a series of other strokes. He is in good hands. And probably owes if not his life, the success of quick and early treatment, to a stubborn ole farmgal, who he dearly loves.
The doctors credited his wife with quick and decisive action. Probably good to brush up on the signs of stroke, and if a loved one is experiencing such an event, move fast and sure. There are golden minutes during a heart attack, and the same for a stroke.
I suspect he will join us next Wednesday for dinner. A good thing.
The Real FIGHT
is among the Orthodox JEWS and the Liberal JEWS ….The Orthodox have joined with Trump and the Hollywood Liberal gang is having a fit ! Trump was smart enough to bring the Orthodox into his administration. Its like a CIVIL war among the Jews ..not just the General Population ! You think the Sunni and Shiite are at war just wait !
The Sunni ,The Orthodox Jews,Orthodox Christians (Russians) and US Conservatives and Trump Vs the Shiite ,the Hollywood Jews and Liberals, Jesuit Pope and Democrats .
A CIVIL war !…. EPIC !
The Real Reason To Own Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency is ….– a truly game-changing technology that the ruling elite sees as a threat to their control.
They will be run run down by the drunken taxicabs of Absolute Reality.
But I think they know their fantasy land is about due for a dose of Reality and they don’t want Gold and Silver standing there saying, ” I told ya so!”
An Empty Chair
Wednesdays is a night where some old congers get together for dinner. One of the guys wont be present this evening. His wife just called to inform me that he is at the ER from an apparent stroke. Like Wanka, he served his country on one of those ships designed to sink. In his 80’s now. The rest of us await the results of his CAT scan. We pray and hope, that his time is not yet.
Got to run, catch up later, Farmboy. Aint none of us getting out of this alive anyways, so have some fun.
Damn !
Maya @ 16:56 LOL !
Makes you want to walk up to him, take the cup out of his hand, and slap him so hard it takes him days to find his ‘cover’.
Good One ! and thanks for the coffee.
Buygold @ 16:34 This Aint Our First Time Around The Block,
I am sticking to my story that Da Boyz see or know something wicked this way comes and are giving the PM’s the what for. Stock market collapse, dollar collapse, Trump eventually going to get around to busting some Bankster butt….who knows? But I think they know their fantasy land is about due for a dose of Reality and they don’t want Gold and Silver standing there saying, ” I told ya so!”
China ever announces they are backing their currency with some portion of gold, the game is OVER. And they know it. Perhaps the Russians will be the first, and that is why the Deep State is so intent on making them the ‘Bad Guys’ of late.
Personally, I think the ‘threat’ of the Fed to unwind a few trillion on its books should be enough to scare any bankster under the sheets and pull the pillow over their head.
One day at a time.
Maya @ 16:22
It’s hard not to play the victim in these crazy Pm markets. Reckon we all go there from time to time. Just as long as we come up with a plan to end up on top. That seems to be the way out. If something aint working, try something new.
Just keep pouring the coffee, we will get through this !
Just another day in the life of a goldbug.
Pretty firm until the last half hour then the sellers show up. The boys played whack a mole with silver all day long.
Pretty rare occasion when you can end the day satisfied in the pm arena, they always get you somewhere.
USD is interesting. Wondering if it is on its way to 95.
Maddog @ 16:04 Things Were Looking Pretty Good Just 30 Minutes Before The Close
Then GDXJ got hammered into the red. Doesn’t get much more obvious than that. I think your trading plan has some merit.