Remember, I always joked about switching the theme of this blog to Fly casting–or carving duck decoys–or stamp collecting? Doesn’t seem like a joke anymore.
How bout having bought Amazon at 8 bucks in 2000–?? Better’n gold! I should stop following it but I have developed a feel for it and am exclusively trading NUGT–I traded CBOT PM futures for years–NUGT is better and much much less of a hassle–and seems relatively tame compared to futures. besides, there’s the old dog/new tricks angle–and the cheerful bonhomie** of this august forum…
Yep, you’ve had it right all along.
Besides AMZN @ $8, remember PCLN @ $2? How about AAPL @ $13 same time frame (pre-splits of course)
Goddamn, wish all of us were as smart as the NUGT traders, or JDST for that matter.
BTW – why don’t you tell all of us fools what you do for a living?
What a fool believes.