Yes I do.
The Italians are practical, as well as emotional. They now realise they have been sold a pup in the EU..No growth since the Euro formed in 2000. The French have a much stronger elite and have a deluded belief that the EU is “their” baby and they run it, while the Germans pay for it. 40 % of the EU farm budget goes to Farmers and the French take a huge cut of that, way beyond what is fair.
So their belief that the EU is their baby is not so crazy…the Italians meanwhile have no such beliefs and saw the EU as a means of cutting back on domestic corruption, instead they have kept domestic corruption and inserted a new one above it and simultaneously killed their economy.
When was the last time anyone eulogized an Italian for fidelity, have they ever ???
They will cut and run happily….The Greeks meanwhile just want to be paid to sit in the sun and drink ouzo….the Italians on the other hand will work, love their luxury and if it means divorce then bring it on.